Mybatis 工作原理以及拓展方法
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1、 Mybatis的工作流程

  • 1、读取配置文件,根据XML配置文件创建Conifuration
  • 2、根据配置信息 创建SqlSessionFactory,SqlSessionFactory的生命周期是程序级,程序运行的时候建立起来,程序结束的时候消亡
  • 3、SqlSessionFactory 创建 SqlSession,SqlSession是过程级,一个方法开始时建立,方法结束应该关闭
  • 4、获取mapper接口的代理对象(DefaultSqlSession.getMapper()拿到Mapper接口对应的MapperProxy)
  • 5、执行增删改查方法
    5.1 调用DefaultSqlSession的增删改查(Executor);
    5.2 会创建一个StatementHandler对象(同时也会创建出ParameterHandler和ResultSetHandler);
    5.3 调用StatementHandler预编译参数以及设置参数值(使用ParameterHandler来给sql设置参数);
    5.4 调用StatementHandler的增删改查方法;
    5.5 ResultSetHandler封装结果;


2、Mybatis 核心对象

  • Configuration: MyBatis所有的配置信息都维持在Configuration对象之中
  • SqlSession: 负责和数据库进行交互,实现完成常对数据操作的增删改查功能
  • Executor: Mybatis执行器,调度的核心,负责SQL语句的生成和维护
  • StatementHandler :封装并操作Jdbc statement,例如设置参数,将statement结果集转化为List集合
  • ParameterHandler: 负责将用户传递的参数转换为Jdbc statement所需要的参数进行传递
  • ResultSetHandler: 负责将Jdbc返回的ResultSet结果集对象转换为List类型的集合
  • TypeHandler: 负责将java数据类型和Jdbc数据类型之间的转换和映射
  • MappedStatement: MappedStatement维护了一条mapper.xml文件里面 select 、update、delete、insert节点的封装
  • BoundSql: 表示动态生成的SQL语句以及相应的参数信息




  • Executor:拦截执行器的方法;
  • ParameterHandler:拦截参数的处理;
  • ResultHandler:拦截结果集的处理;
  • StatementHandler:拦截Sql语法构建的处理;


  • 1、分页查询
  • 2、多租户添加条件过滤,即数据权限过滤操作
  • 3、对返回结果,过滤掉审计字段,敏感字段(比如手机号)
  • 4、对返回结果中的加密数据进行解密
  • 5、对新增数据自动添加创建人,创建时间,更新时间,更新人 ,对更新数据自动新增更新时间,更新人
  • 6、打印SQL执行日志、执行时间

3.1 分页拦截器

mybatisplus 分页拦截器 PaginationInnerInterceptor

// 使用 Page<Produce> producePage = new Page<>(1,1); Page<Produce> page = produceService.selectList(producePage);

拦截器的核心如下图,当我们的select方法的入参 属于(instanceof) IPage时(如上面的 producePage ),
才会执行分页;或者是当入参为Map时,查询map中是否存在属于(instanceof) IPage 的对象。



缺点:如果项目中有很多以Map<String, Object>作为入参的查询方法,就算不是分页接口,每次都会被拦截过滤,影响性能,由于是对于高并发接口。
对于在Mapper 入参中使用 @Param 的查询方法,也会被拦截到,这会导致性能问题。

github分页拦截器 PageInterceptor

Page<Object> pageHelper = PageHelper.startPage(pageNumber, pageSize, true); List<MallGoods> downDateList = mallGoodManager.queryDownGoodsList();

PageHelper 在startPage时,把分页信息写入 ThreadLocal,然后在拦截器中从ThreadLocal获取Page信息,如果存在,则是分页查询;不存在,则是普通查询







缺点:使用ThreadLocal作为存储,需要先 set,然后get,最后remove;对于高并发接口,会有性能问题。

总结:对比上面两种分页的优缺点,还是使用github分页拦截器(使用PageHelper)比较好,但是对于高并发接口,最好是手动写分页,即手动写 select count(*)

3.2 metaObjectHandler 自定义字段自动填充处理类

metaObjectHandler接口是mybatisPlus为我们提供的的一个扩展接口,我们可以利用这个接口在我们插入或者更新数据的时候,为一些字段指定默认值。常见的比如createTm modifyTm creator modifier

@Configuration public class MymetaObjectHandler implements metaObjectHandler { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MymetaObjectHandler.class); private static final Integer NOT_DELETED = 0; public MymetaObjectHandler() { } public void insertFill(metaObject metaObject) { String createDate = "createDate"; boolean hasCreateDate = this.hasProperty(metaObject, createDate); if (hasCreateDate) { this.setFieldValByName(createDate, new Date(), metaObject); } String createTm = "createTm"; boolean hasCreateTm = this.hasProperty(metaObject, createTm); if (hasCreateTm) { this.setFieldValByName(createTm, new Date(), metaObject); } String updateDate = "updateDate"; boolean hasUpdateDate = this.hasProperty(metaObject, updateDate); if (hasUpdateDate) { this.setFieldValByName(updateDate, new Date(), metaObject); } String modifyTm = "modifyTm"; boolean hasModifyTm = this.hasProperty(metaObject, modifyTm); if (hasModifyTm) { this.setFieldValByName(modifyTm, new Date(), metaObject); } String deleteFlag = "deleteFlag"; boolean hasDeleteFlag = this.hasProperty(metaObject, deleteFlag); if (hasDeleteFlag) { this.setFieldValByName(deleteFlag, NOT_DELETED, metaObject); } String empNum = ContextHoldUtil.getEmpNum(); if (SfStrUtil.isNotBlank(empNum)) { String createUser = "createUser"; boolean hasCreateUser = this.hasProperty(metaObject, createUser); if (hasCreateUser) { this.setFieldValByName(createUser, empNum, metaObject); } String creator = "creator"; boolean hasCreator = this.hasProperty(metaObject, creator); if (hasCreator) { this.setFieldValByName(creator, empNum, metaObject); } String updateUser = "updateUser"; boolean hasUpdateUser = this.hasProperty(metaObject, updateUser); if (hasUpdateUser) { this.setFieldValByName(updateUser, empNum, metaObject); } String modifier = "modifier"; boolean hasModifier = this.hasProperty(metaObject, modifier); if (hasModifier) { this.setFieldValByName(modifier, empNum, metaObject); } } } public void updateFill(metaObject metaObject) { String updateDate = "updateDate"; boolean hasUpdateDate = this.hasProperty(metaObject, updateDate); if (hasUpdateDate) { this.setFieldValByName(updateDate, new Date(), metaObject); } String modifyTm = "modifyTm"; boolean hasModifyTm = this.hasProperty(metaObject, modifyTm); if (hasModifyTm) { this.setFieldValByName(modifyTm, new Date(), metaObject); } String empNum = ContextHoldUtil.getEmpNum(); if (SfStrUtil.isNotBlank(empNum)) { String updateUser = "updateUser"; boolean hasUpdateUser = this.hasProperty(metaObject, updateUser); if (hasUpdateUser) { this.setFieldValByName(updateUser, empNum, metaObject); } String modifier = "modifier"; boolean hasModifier = this.hasProperty(metaObject, modifier); if (hasModifier) { this.setFieldValByName(modifier, empNum, metaObject); } } } private boolean hasProperty(metaObject metaObject, String fieldName) { return metaObject.hasGetter(fieldName) || metaObject.hasGetter("et." + fieldName); } }

3.3 1、日志拦截器 —— 用于测试环境,sql美化,sql执行时间

1、原生 org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl


Creating a new SqlSession SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@38cd0f91] was not registered for synchronization because synchronization is not active JDBC Connection [com.alibaba.druid.proxy.jdbc.ConnectionProxyImpl@7182d8bf] will not be managed by Spring ==> Preparing: select g.name as goodsName, g.goods_type as goodsType, g.goods_no as goodsNo, g.current_store as currentStore, gi.img_url as goodsImage, g.point_price as pointPrice, g.discount_price as discountPrice, g.rise_date as exchangeBeginTime, g.original_price as originPrice, g.category_code as categoryCode, g.sub_category_code as subCategoryCode, g.serial_num as serialNum, g.purchase_price as purchasePrice, g.exchange_mem_level as exchangeLevelLimit, g.sale_channel as saleChannel, g.label as label, g.like_amount as likeAmount, g.state as state from mall_goods g left join mall_goods_img gi on g.goods_no = gi.goods_no and gi.img_type = 1 where g.category_code = ? and g.state = 1 and g.mall = 'Point_Mall' and g.if_life_privilege in (0,2) and (g.current_store>0 or g.current_store=-1) order by g.serial_num asc,g.id desc limit ?,? ==> Parameters: XPZQ(String), 1(Integer), 10(Integer) <== Columns: goodsName, goodsType, goodsNo, currentStore, goodsImage, pointPrice, discountPrice, exchangeBeginTime, originPrice, categoryCode, subCategoryCode, serialNum, purchasePrice, exchangeLevelLimit, saleChannel, label, likeAmount, state <== Row: 唯品会券对接_0803 , SFSJ, GOODS20220803185335009, 499996, https://fff, 2, 0, 2022-08-03 18:53:37.0, 2000, XPZQ, null, 1, 0, 0, 0, [{"type":3}], 0, 1 <== Row: 井1, SFM, GOODS20220713112243913, 17, https://aaa, 1, 0, 2022-08-03 19:04:20.0, 100, XPZQ, null, 1, 0, 0, 0, [{"type":3}], 4, 1 <== Row: #14, SFM, GOODS20220707181501415, 19, bbb, 10, 0, 2022-07-30 15:17:04.0, 10000, XPZQ, null, 1, 0, 0, 0, [{"type":3}], 1, 1 <== Row: 0601版本券码导入10W张验证, SFW, GOODS20220713181357698, 500000, https:/ccc, 1, 0, 2022-07-29 15:07:13.0, 12, XPZQ, null, 2, 0, 0, 0, [{"type":3}], 0, 1 <== Row: 礼包名称-实物xy, SFM, GOODS20220713075614668, 20, https://ddd, 1, 0, 2022-07-29 15:34:31.0, 100, XPZQ, null, 2, 0, 0, 0, [{"type":3}], 0, 1 <== Row: #15, SFM, GOODS20220705173709700, 14, https://eee, 1, 0, 2022-07-30 11:42:00.0, 10000, XPZQ, null, 3, 0, 0, 0, [{"type":3}], 6, 1 <== Total: 6 Closing non transactional SqlSession [org.apache.ibatis.session.defaults.DefaultSqlSession@38cd0f91]


2、mybatisplus 支持p6spy



3、手动开发 MybatisLogInterceptor

@Intercepts({@Signature( type = Executor.class, method = "update", args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class} ), @Signature( type = Executor.class, method = "query", args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class, RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class} ), @Signature( type = Executor.class, method = "query", args = {MappedStatement.class, Object.class, RowBounds.class, ResultHandler.class, CacheKey.class, BoundSql.class} )}) @Component public class MybatisLogInterceptor implements Interceptor { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MybatisLogInterceptor.class); private Properties properties; private static final SimpleDateFormat SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private static final String DEFAULT_SQL_LOG_SHOW_SWITCH = "false"; @Value("${sqlLogShowSwitch}") private String sqlLogShowSwitch; public MybatisLogInterceptor() { } public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable { if (StrUtil.equals(this.sqlLogShowSwitch, "false")) { return invocation.proceed(); } else { try { Object[] args = invocation.getArgs(); MappedStatement mappedStatement = (MappedStatement)args[0]; Object parameter = null; if (args.length > 1) { parameter = args[1]; } String sqlId = mappedStatement.getId(); BoundSql boundSql = null; if (args.length == 6) { boundSql = (BoundSql)args[5]; } if (boundSql == null) { boundSql = mappedStatement.getBoundSql(parameter); } Configuration configuration = mappedStatement.getConfiguration(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object returnValue = invocation.proceed(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long time = end - start; String sql = getSql(configuration, boundSql, sqlId, time); log.info("开始执行sql==> " + sql.split("(\\^ZHIKE\\^)")[0] + "\n" + "执行SQL==>" + (new PrettyFormatterSqlUtil()).getPrettySql(sql.split("(\\^ZHIKE\\^)")[1]) + "\n" + "<==执行总耗时【 " + time + " ms】\n"); String returnStr = ""; if (returnValue != null) { returnStr = SfJsonUtil.toJsonStr(returnValue); } log.info("执行sql结果:{}", returnStr.length() >= 2000 ? returnStr.substring(0, 2000) : returnStr); return returnValue; } catch (Throwable var17) { log.error("执行sql报错!errMsg:{}", var17.getMessage(), var17); return invocation.proceed(); } } } public Object plugin(Object target) { return Plugin.wrap(target, this); } public void setProperties(Properties properties) { this.properties = properties; } public static String getSql(Configuration configuration, BoundSql boundSql, String sqlId, long time) { String sql = showSql(configuration, boundSql); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(100); builder.append(sqlId); builder.append("^ZHIKE^"); builder.append(sql); builder.append("^ZHIKE^"); builder.append(time); builder.append("ms"); return builder.toString(); } private static String getParameterValue(Object obj) { String value; if (obj instanceof String) { value = "'" + obj.toString() + "'"; } else if (obj instanceof Date) { value = "'" + SIMPLE_DATE_FORMAT.format(obj) + "'"; } else if (obj != null) { value = obj.toString(); } else { value = ""; } return value; } public static String showSql(Configuration configuration, BoundSql boundSql) { try { Object parameterObject = boundSql.getParameterObject(); List<ParameterMapping> parameterMappings = boundSql.getParameterMappings(); String sql = boundSql.getSql().replaceAll("[\\s]+", " "); if (parameterMappings.size() > 0 && parameterObject != null) { TypeHandlerRegistry typeHandlerRegistry = configuration.getTypeHandlerRegistry(); if (typeHandlerRegistry.hasTypeHandler(parameterObject.getClass())) { sql = sql.replaceFirst("\\?", getParameterValue(parameterObject)); } else { metaObject metaObject = configuration.newmetaObject(parameterObject); Iterator var7 = parameterMappings.iterator(); while(var7.hasNext()) { ParameterMapping parameterMapping = (ParameterMapping)var7.next(); String propertyName = parameterMapping.getProperty(); Object obj; if (metaObject.hasGetter(propertyName)) { obj = metaObject.getValue(propertyName); sql = sql.replaceFirst("\\?", getParameterValue(obj)); } else if (boundSql.hasAdditionalParameter(propertyName)) { obj = boundSql.getAdditionalParameter(propertyName); sql = sql.replaceFirst("\\?", getParameterValue(obj)); } } } } return sql; } catch (Exception var11) { return ""; } } }


import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.linkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class PrettyFormatterSqlUtil { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.class); private static final Set<String> BEGIN_CLAUSES = new HashSet(); private static final Set<String> END_CLAUSES = new HashSet(); private static final Set<String> LOGICAL = new HashSet(); private static final Set<String> QUANTIFIERS = new HashSet(); private static final Set<String> DML = new HashSet(); private static final Set<String> MISC = new HashSet(); public static final String WHITESPACE = " \n\r\f\t"; static final String INDENT_STRING = " "; static final String INITIAL = "\n "; public PrettyFormatterSqlUtil() { } public String getPrettySql(String source) { return (new PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.FormatProcess(source)).perform(); } static { BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("left"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("right"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("inner"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("outer"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("group"); BEGIN_CLAUSES.add("order"); END_CLAUSES.add("where"); END_CLAUSES.add("set"); END_CLAUSES.add("having"); END_CLAUSES.add("join"); END_CLAUSES.add("from"); END_CLAUSES.add("by"); END_CLAUSES.add("join"); END_CLAUSES.add("into"); END_CLAUSES.add("union"); LOGICAL.add("and"); LOGICAL.add("or"); LOGICAL.add("when"); LOGICAL.add("else"); LOGICAL.add("end"); QUANTIFIERS.add("in"); QUANTIFIERS.add("all"); QUANTIFIERS.add("exists"); QUANTIFIERS.add("some"); QUANTIFIERS.add("any"); DML.add("insert"); DML.add("update"); DML.add("delete"); MISC.add("select"); MISC.add("on"); } private static class FormatProcess { boolean beginLine = true; boolean afterBeginBeforeEnd = false; boolean afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = false; boolean afterValues = false; boolean afterOn = false; boolean afterBetween = false; boolean afterInsert = false; int inFunction = 0; int parensSinceSelect = 0; private linkedList<Integer> parenCounts = new linkedList(); private linkedList<Boolean> afterByOrFromOrSelects = new linkedList(); int indent = 1; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); StringTokenizer tokens; String lastToken; String token; String lcToken; public FormatProcess(String sql) { this.tokens = new StringTokenizer(sql, "()+*/-=<>'`\"[], \n\r\f\t", true); } public String perform() { this.result.append("\n "); while(this.tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { this.token = this.tokens.nextToken(); this.lcToken = this.token.toLowerCase(); String t; if ("'".equals(this.token)) { do { t = this.tokens.nextToken(); this.token = this.token + t; } while(!"'".equals(t) && this.tokens.hasMoreTokens()); } else if ("\"".equals(this.token)) { do { t = this.tokens.nextToken(); this.token = this.token + t; } while(!"\"".equals(t)); } if (this.afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect && ",".equals(this.token)) { this.commaAfterByOrFromOrSelect(); } else if (this.afterOn && ",".equals(this.token)) { this.commaAfterOn(); } else if ("(".equals(this.token)) { this.openParen(); } else if (")".equals(this.token)) { this.closeParen(); } else if (PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.BEGIN_CLAUSES.contains(this.lcToken)) { this.beginNewClause(); } else if (PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.END_CLAUSES.contains(this.lcToken)) { this.endNewClause(); } else if ("select".equals(this.lcToken)) { this.select(); } else if (PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.DML.contains(this.lcToken)) { this.updateOrInsertOrDelete(); } else if ("values".equals(this.lcToken)) { this.values(); } else if ("on".equals(this.lcToken)) { this.on(); } else if (this.afterBetween && "and".equals(this.lcToken)) { this.misc(); this.afterBetween = false; } else if (PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.LOGICAL.contains(this.lcToken)) { this.logical(); } else if (isWhitespace(this.token)) { this.white(); } else { this.misc(); } if (!isWhitespace(this.token)) { this.lastToken = this.lcToken; } } return this.result.toString(); } private void commaAfterOn() { this.out(); --this.indent; this.newline(); this.afterOn = false; this.afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = true; } private void commaAfterByOrFromOrSelect() { this.out(); this.newline(); } private void logical() { if ("end".equals(this.lcToken)) { --this.indent; } this.newline(); this.out(); this.beginLine = false; } private void on() { ++this.indent; this.afterOn = true; this.newline(); this.out(); this.beginLine = false; } private void misc() { this.out(); if ("between".equals(this.lcToken)) { this.afterBetween = true; } if (this.afterInsert) { this.newline(); this.afterInsert = false; } else { this.beginLine = false; if ("case".equals(this.lcToken)) { ++this.indent; } } } private void white() { if (!this.beginLine) { this.result.append(" "); } } private void updateOrInsertOrDelete() { this.out(); ++this.indent; this.beginLine = false; if ("update".equals(this.lcToken)) { this.newline(); } if ("insert".equals(this.lcToken)) { this.afterInsert = true; } } private void select() { this.out(); ++this.indent; this.newline(); this.parenCounts.addLast(this.parensSinceSelect); this.afterByOrFromOrSelects.addLast(this.afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect); this.parensSinceSelect = 0; this.afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = true; } private void out() { this.result.append(this.token); } private void endNewClause() { if (!this.afterBeginBeforeEnd) { --this.indent; if (this.afterOn) { --this.indent; this.afterOn = false; } this.newline(); } this.out(); if (!"union".equals(this.lcToken)) { ++this.indent; } this.newline(); this.afterBeginBeforeEnd = false; this.afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = "by".equals(this.lcToken) || "set".equals(this.lcToken) || "from".equals(this.lcToken); } private void beginNewClause() { if (!this.afterBeginBeforeEnd) { if (this.afterOn) { --this.indent; this.afterOn = false; } --this.indent; this.newline(); } this.out(); this.beginLine = false; this.afterBeginBeforeEnd = true; } private void values() { --this.indent; this.newline(); this.out(); ++this.indent; this.newline(); this.afterValues = true; } private void closeParen() { --this.parensSinceSelect; if (this.parensSinceSelect < 0) { --this.indent; this.parensSinceSelect = (Integer)this.parenCounts.removeLast(); this.afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect = (Boolean)this.afterByOrFromOrSelects.removeLast(); } if (this.inFunction > 0) { --this.inFunction; this.out(); } else { if (!this.afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect) { --this.indent; this.newline(); } this.out(); } this.beginLine = false; } private void openParen() { if (isFunctionName(this.lastToken) || this.inFunction > 0) { ++this.inFunction; } this.beginLine = false; if (this.inFunction > 0) { this.out(); } else { this.out(); if (!this.afterByOrSetOrFromOrSelect) { ++this.indent; this.newline(); this.beginLine = true; } } ++this.parensSinceSelect; } private static boolean isFunctionName(String tok) { char begin = tok.charAt(0); boolean isIdentifier = Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(begin) || '"' == begin; return isIdentifier && !PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.LOGICAL.contains(tok) && !PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.END_CLAUSES.contains(tok) && !PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.QUANTIFIERS.contains(tok) && !PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.DML.contains(tok) && !PrettyFormatterSqlUtil.MISC.contains(tok); } private static boolean isWhitespace(String token) { return " \n\r\f\t".indexOf(token) >= 0; } private void newline() { this.result.append("\n"); for(int i = 0; i < this.indent; ++i) { this.result.append(" "); } this.beginLine = true; } } }


2022-09-09 20:49:47.768[http-nio-9026-exec-1] MybatisLogInterceptor.intercept(81) INFO [c3c83832b58f49579561e92bceafdec1] :开始执行sql==> com.sf.cemp.goods.mallgoods.repository.mapper.MallGoodsMapper.selectPointMallListForApp 执行SQL==> select g.name as goodsName, g.goods_type as goodsType, g.goods_no as goodsNo, g.current_store as currentStore, gi.img_url as goodsImage, g.point_price as pointPrice, g.discount_price as discountPrice, g.rise_date as exchangeBeginTime, g.original_price as originPrice, g.category_code as categoryCode, g.sub_category_code as subCategoryCode, g.serial_num as serialNum, g.purchase_price as purchasePrice, g.exchange_mem_level as exchangeLevelLimit, g.sale_channel as saleChannel, g.label as label, g.like_amount as likeAmount, g.state as state from mall_goods g left join mall_goods_img gi on g.goods_no = gi.goods_no and gi.img_type = 1 where g.category_code = 'XPZQ' and g.state = 1 and g.mall = 'Point_Mall' and g.if_life_privilege in ( 0,2 ) and ( g.current_store>0 or g.current_store=-1 ) order by g.serial_num asc, g.id desc limit 1, 10 <==执行总耗时【 281 ms】 2022-09-09 20:52:03.886[http-nio-9026-exec-3] MybatisLogInterceptor.intercept(88) INFO [1a97f40126b9410aad411dc4bc327eca] :执行sql结果:[{"categoryCode":"XPZQ","currentDate":1662727923886,"currentStore":499995,"discountPrice":0,"exchangeBeginTime":1661242860000,"exchangeLevelLimit":0,"goodsImage":"https://cemp.sit.sf-express.com/packetImg/853523/202208/20220823161800408.png","goodsName":"商品预热验证-cyr","goodsNo":"GOODS20220823161825360","goodsType":"SFW","label":"[{\"type\":3}]","likeAmount":0,"originPrice":3300,"pointPrice":33,"purchasePrice":0,"saleChannel":"0","serialNum":1,"state":1}]


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